Just Like You

I came across an article from a man whose Grandfather fought on an opposing side of America in WWII. I was impressed at the

Depth of thought and respect that this man had for his enemy. I want to share it with you in the hopes that your thoughts will

Be provoked in a positive manner.

What did the WWII Japanese soldiers think of the Marines?


, Proud Military family grandfather fought in ww2

Answered Jun 15, 2020 · Upvoted by Tim Wells, former SSgt Of Marines at U.S. Marine Corps (1968-1974) and George Nelson, former Corporal at U.S. Marine Corps (1965-1969)

My grandfather was a japanese officer who captured several wounded american soldiers from the

battlefield. They were not ill treated nor were they harmed in anyway, my grandfather ordered they

be given medical aid and fed a good meal. Other officers did not like this at all, but some officers

admired it. My grandfather had great admiration for the allied soldiers and more specifically the

american marines. The few that survived one of the battles were in prisoned by my grandfather

and would remain in his custody through out the war. He would even become good friends

and would regularly have good conversations with a few of the us marines he captured, about

their lives before the war. My grandfather described the us marines as warriors with incredible

valor and bravery. He was quite close with one marine, who was a talented sketch artist. My

grandfather was also a very talented artist too. Both had a huge and very common passion for

the arts. He said that the marine would always be drawing his little brother and mom. This showed

my grandfather that all these men have families and loved ones back home just like him, and he

respected this even though they were his enemy. He pushed this idea onto his men he

commanded, he used to tell me “Though they are your enemy never forget just like you they

are fighting for something”. Like any society or war or whatever, there will always be different

views on things. Alot of japanese soldiers and officers were very fanatical, while some/very few

respected and had alot of admiration for the us soldiers, my grandfather said; in war we tend too

dehumanize our enemy so we can be more comfortable taking the life of another man in war. Its

just horror and chaotic and you don’t really get the chance too fully understand what your enemy is

and what they fight for. All you do is kill without a second thought and when the battle is over you

feel almost ashamed and regretful. The only thing keeping you from the shame is fanatic patriotism

and duty to your country. even so taking the life of a enemy soldier was never easy for me and I

know they felt the same way through all the hate and blood shed, i know that they are no different

than me. That is why i respect them and give them my highest admiration.

It seems to me that what people need to remember and focus on, in this hour of false Virtue Signaling.

Is the commonality and the fact that people are 'Just Like You’. Everyone is trying to have the best

Life that they can. To be clear; I have no respect for those who try to punish others for their own mistakes,

Poor judgement and decisions, or their past. I dont believe in False Virtue Signaling just like I dont

believe that every one who is called a racist actually its one and that everyone called a martyr for

social justice is actually a good citizen. I propose that we let people show us who they are by their

Actions. Good people invest in their society and bad people take from it. Its simple. However,

The vast majority of people, simply want to live and benefit by the work of their hands and

Help their children achieve more than they did. I know I do. I want my children to soar higher

In life and achievement than I ever have. Its normal. Catch that? Normal. Again, with the exception

Of the people who steal, kill and destroy others property, The rest of society simply wants to

Live life to the fullest.

I encourage you to look at people as someone Just Like YOU.

Dont judge them for their differences. Remember Like You, they want to enjoy every ounce

Of life they can. They want to make as much money as they can. They have opinions, emotions

Loves and hates Just Like You. They get up every morning hoping things go well, they hope to

Love and be loved. To be accepted and respected. To believe that they make a difference in the

Circle they live in. They hope to be admired for their skills and forgiven for their mistakes. In short:

They really ARE JUST LIKE YOU!

Out . . . of My Mind

Rev RJ Hall